June Member Meeting–24x7x365: How Telemedicine is Transforming Access to Care

June Member Meeting–24x7x365: How Telemedicine is Transforming Access to Care

According to The Action Group’s 2019 Annual Employer Benefits Survey, telemedicine/virtual care (with live providers) again tops the list of innovations and services (77% of employers using). This reflects continued integration of technology into care delivery, and the desire of employers to manage costs, ensure appropriate care, and meet the needs of an increasingly diverse work force. Prevalence is in line with national benchmarks, and the services generally receive high marks for effectiveness. Even so, there is an opportunity to optimize the service and reflect the latest best practices.

At our June member meeting, we’ll convene an expert panel to share new data on prevalence, utilization and capabilities with a focus on what employers are doing, how they are promoting, and the results they are seeing, including a special discussion of tele-mental health. We’ll also look ahead to emerging trends to help employers get ahead of the curve and address the elephant in the room: If telemedicine is so great, why don’t more employees use it and what can employers do to increase utilization?

We hope you can join us. Please bring your questions and experiences to contribute to a lively discussion!

24x7x365: How Telemedicine is Transforming Access to Care

June 27, 2019
8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. (Networking begins at 8 a.m.)

Hilton Airport/MOA Hotel
3800 American Boulevard E.
Bloomington, MN


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